Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Scissors Poll

Here is my Mom Pat, the hoarder. I thought you should know her name and see that she's a real person.

She was hamming it up when I was taking my inventory of scissors. She also pointed out several pairs of scissors right out in the open that I had missed. It's like a game of I Spy over here.

How many pairs of scissors do you think are visible in the hoarder's house? I say visible because I assume there are plenty of scissors hidden away I will never find.

Take the poll, below. I'll reveal the answer on 8/31/10.

Refresh Page to See Results:


  1. The chaos that is your current habitat has given us a smile today. Thank you. : )
    Love the Mom pic too.

  2. I'm so glad you are enjoying this. My Mom is too. We also took a household poll which will be revealed next week.

  3. 56 of the ones you actually found. ;-)
